Animal Health Management-Fall 2024

Online Learning Material (and general information)


More than 40 horses dead in OK due to contaminated feed.


The below links lead to Today's CyberClass (posted today, instead of 8/29)

Thermo1--Read pages 1 thru 20 in the book
(you will need to log into the PU Library when page appears)
(It is copyrighted material, don't pay any money, PU already did)

Thermo2--A video

What will be on next Tuesday's (9/3) quiz....??

**Material (notes) from in-class meeting on 8/20
**Material from online class on 8/22
**The above material on Thermoregulation
**Nothing on ulcers

You should be thinking about your topic for the first MP4 project


Because of the crazy feel-like temperatures this week, we will not
meet in-class this week.
 We will reschedule animal visits, etc.
On Thursday (8/29), I will post a video that takes the place of in-class
 meetings this week. Be safe......


Don't forget about our quiz on Tuesday, 8/27

Examples of Past Student Learning Projects

Sept. 12 (All reading is here for 9/5, not BS)

The immunocrit method used in dairy calves

Failure of Passive Transfer in Foals

Vaccine Failure

Sept. 5
(All reading is here for 9/5, not BS)

Overview of Antiseptics
  Alcohols as Antiseptics

Tincture of Iodine

Autoclave 1 and Autoclave 2

 EO video

Prion Infection Control

August 29 (Go to BS)

Read the 3 articles on ulcers

August 22 (Go to Brightspace (BS))

Read pandemic.pdf and mpox.pdf

Located at "Contents", then August 22 Module,
then click on "View Topic" for each article.

Student Duties/Tasks

1) Class attendance by students is imperative as each day is a learning day.

2) Each student will create 2 learning projects, each worth 125 points (250 points total).
Discussions in class will define requirements for each project.
Each project must aim to educate high school and/or college students on animal health management.
Students are highly encouraged to interview campus experts that can provide insight on their projects' topic.
Due dates will be set after student input on projects.
Projects must be approved by Dr. Allrich.

3) Each student will complete 10 in-class quizzes, always given on Tuesdays. Each quiz = 25 points.
Material for the quizzes will be provided on this website the Thursday of the prior week.

4) Therefore, total points for the course = 500 points.

5) For course grades, we will follow the standard plus/minus grading scale:

