Companion Animal Management-Fall 2024
Online Learning Material (and general information)
This week's lab activity (Week of 11/11/2024). Submit pdf to BS by 11/24/2024.
We will call this assignment Quiz #10. Make a 1 page summary on each of the 2 videos
listed below (1 page/video X 2 videos= 2 page document (pdf)) Upload Q10 into BS.
Video #1
Video #2
Ferret Info from Tuesday 11/5/2024
No Audio. Each slide shows for 5 seconds....hit pause if you wish for taking notes.
Ferrets with Chordoma
This week's lab activity--Do the:
Dog Kibble Expanssion Test
Using kibble you use or can borrow from someone. Dog kibble preferred over cat kibble.
One of this week's STLs mentioned wound healing with the use of an
Extracellular Matrix (ECM) product. I don't recall what specific product they
showed us on the screen. But I found some ECM products on the web and the links are below.
This is totally optional reading:
Here is the PPT of the Service Dog Presentation
Remember, quiz on Tuesday will involve this past week's STLs
and "In the Womb" video.
Many thanks for a great week of learning. It was fantastic........
One STL was focused upon Canine Pyometra. I now want to teach you how to differentiate
a pyometra from a normal pregnancy, if the uterus has been removed and you can
examine the gross (macroscopic) anatomy.
A uterus with pyometra will look like a stuffed sausage while the gravid (pregnant) uterus
will look somewhat lobulated (enlarged regions followed by a constricted region).
However, near the end of pregnancy, the uterus will maybe look like a stuffed sausage.
So a picture is worth a thousand words. See the below pictures:

And now, a blast from the past. As I was searching for good pyometra images,
I encountered sites in CA. That got me thinking of a past student worker
I hired years ago----- Signe Beebe. After Signe worked for me, she was
accepted into the PU Vet School. Here is her latest info. I miss her and always
knew she would be great. I think she helped me mostly with my cattle experiments.
Signe Beebe, DVM
And finally, if you are a popular Border Collie, this
shows you what you enjoy everyday.

Because many students will not be in class on 10/1 due to their attendance
at the Ag Career Fair, we will have an online class right here instead of in CRTN 1011.
"Everything you wanted to know about Rabies, but were afraid to ask"
Rabies-4 (video)
Rabies-5 Caution-a man dies on screen (there is no audio)
(an Army training film Rod saw in a virology course)
Don't watch if such things bother you, I will give oral summary in class.
Ivermectin and Collies
Please remember most documentaries are posted within BS.
What will be on tomorrow's quiz? Mostly from class discussions on 8/20 and 8/22.
*What makes a good dog treat
*Biology of Cats (many facts given in class)
*Canine Bloat
*Canine DNA Kit
*Spleen facts
*Biological responses
View these videos about dog food-we will discuss in class next week:
I will post a video tonight that takes the place of our 2 meetings this week.
As I was looking for facts about dog food, I ran into this interesting video:
Because of the crazy feel-like temperatures this week, we will not
meet in-class this week. We will reschedule animal visits, etc.
On Thursday (8/29), I will post a video that takes the place of in-class
meetings this week. Be safe.......
Heat index values up to 108 expected this week in Tipppecanoe County (as reported by
This is now an important safety issue for students and their animals (and Rod, who is from Northern Minnesota).
In my Spring environmental phys class, we learn about the temperature-humidity index (often called the fell-like temperature).:
this is exciting. Ziva’s DNA sample arrived safely at our lab.
As we
get to work, you can track our progress by signing into
your account.
Don't forget about our quiz on Tuesday, 8/27
Do not use the prednisone form in cats and horses, or in pets with liver dysfunction (i.e., use prednisolone),
as they cannot efficiently convert it to prednisolone. (According to several online sources-----however, always check
with your veterimarian because recommentations sometimes change).
Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Buddies for Life

On screen material for Thursday's class-HERE

Here is the link to the Dog Cocaine I had in class. I had the Beef Flavor.
Here is the link to the DNA Kit we used.....Wisdom Panel.
Somehow on Tuesday we discussed college graduation rates.
We will have kittens in class on Thursday, 8/22.
In class quiz next Tuesday (9/27) (involves what was learned 8/20 & 8/22)
What will happen in class on Tuesday, 8/20
We will:
** have a 6 month old puppy visit the class (Ziva, we did DNA kit)
** demonstrate STL presentations (Megan and Rod did)
** discuss the duties listed below
** have fun
The below image illustrates the best way to do a dental exam on a dog:

Student Duties/Tasks
1) Class attendance by students is imperative as each day is a learning day.
2) Students will give 2 "Show and Tell and Learn" (STL) presentations to the class. Each worth 50 points.
3) Each student will complete 10 in-class quizzes, always given on Tuesdays. Each quiz = 50 points.
Material for the quizzes will be disclosed on Thursday of the prior week.
4) Each student will create a business plan that involves companion animals (200 pts).
5) Therefore, total points for the course = 800 points.
6) For course grades, we will follow the standard plus/minus grading scale:

7) Details/specific requirements for the above duties will be explained in class.
Companion Animal Business Plan Requirements
**No title page needed (would not count as 1 of 8 pages)
**At least 8 pages of text
**Tables, images, charts, drawings must go to an Appendix
** Times New Roman 12-point
**All margins 1 inch
**Double-space everything
**Section headings should just be bolded word(s) followed by paragraphs
**No indentation of paragraphs
**When creating plan, pretend cost is no object. Dream a little.
**Must submit pdf file by 11:59p on 12/1/2024
See this pdf for example pages of text.
For suggestions, see this site at the SBA.
There is no strict rubric since business plans can be very different
depending upon focus animal or service. However, the following
sections should be included:
Executive Summary
Disaster Plans/Climate Risks